A Budget for Prosperity not Disparity!

The Green Party's alternative budget successfully presents the Green economic approach in an easily digestible overview. It really highlights the lack of cohesion or vision coming from this National led government.
National’s approach is to reduce revenue, reduce government spending on many essential services and borrow (while deliberately protecting the already rich). They are gambling on "get rich quick" schemes, like drilling and mining, with virtually no economic or environmental protections. They are also looking to sell off SOEs (that will be potential revenue earners well into the future) for a one time return and a long term loss.
The Greens will actively increase revenue in areas that will encourage a shift in investment to the productive sector. The Greens will also ensure there is an equitable sharing of the the costs to repair the damage done by earthquakes or the unsustainable exploitation of our resources. Those who can afford it will pay their share and the increased incomes of lower waged earners will also increase the tax take.
No choice, really.


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