TPP-The Warning Bells Are Ringing!

New Zealand in 2011 under a National led Government:
  • The New Zealand Government gifts Warner Bros $25 million and amends employment provisions so that local struggling actors have even fewer protections.
  • The NZ Govt gifts the private challenge to the America's Cup $35 million.
  • With rising living costs, high unemployment and wages rises falling behind inflation Finance Minister, Bill English, claims our cheap labour force will attract overseas business interests.
  • Foodbanks are stretched and budgeting services are overwhelmed. 
  • Pharmac is targeted by pharmaceutical companies as a barrier to profits. 
  • Government plans to force Fonterra to subsidize competitors in the domestic market yet many of these competing companies have overseas owners.
  • Government looks to sell off state assets to bring down deficit.
  • The Government pushes for PPPs (Public Private Partnerships) within state services despite the NZ treasury advising there would be a number of potential disadvantages and they should not be entered into without substantial protections.
  • Petrobras is allowed to explore for oil within NZ waters with no agreed safeguards or protections should there be an accident. Maritime NZ (tax payers) will have to foot the bill. 
  • The mining of coal and lignite lead the Government's energy plan.
In this current environment and under this highly corporate focussed Government the Trans-Pacific Partnership is being negotiated in secret. This Government readily sacrifices working New Zealanders to support international corporates and is quite prepared to sell off the family jewels for a quick buck. Working New Zealanders should be worried according to the CTU and we only have to look at Mexico to see what could potentially happen.


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