Billboards and Bicycles

The election always brings the creative juices of the various parties to the fore as advertising design is developed and campaigning gimmicks are worked on. The campaigns are always good for re-establishing a sense of community within a party as the shared purpose becomes more focussed and more time is spent working together on different campaign related projects. 

I spent a recent evening with some of our Invercargill Green Team in putting up large billboards in some strategic places. We started in early evening and by the time we were putting the last one up we were working in torchlight. Hopefully our construction efforts will stand the test of time, unlike 2008 when a series of strong winds meant that we needed constant running repairs.

The billboards look great and once again we are receiving accolades for the design, Green creative juices appear to dominate.

Rival candidate and National MP, Eric Roy, came up with the novel idea of walking around the whole electorate (around 300 km). I have applauded him for his commitment to green transport but will be relying on my bicycle and bike trailer. While walking is good, it is probably not as efficient as a bicycle and I understand Eric has a support vehicle traveling with him that must negate the environmental advantages. 

It is reassuring when I am cycling around Invercargill to receive friendly waves and toots in recognition of the Green advertising I am towing behind me. There is a definite shift to Green thinking and many people I speak to (all ages) are declaring they will definitely give their party vote to the Greens, when last election the common response was "I'll think about it."


robertguyton said…
Kennedy rides rings around Roy!

Go Dave (remember your hand signals and the special one for when your and Eric's paths cross :-)

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