Laila Harre Predicted Rena Wreck
An interesting exchange in Parliament, back in 1997, predicted what we are dealing with now. Jenny Shipley's response comes from the National Party bible that is obviously still in use today:
Laila Harre: How can the Minister sing the praises of coastal deregulation, in the total absence of any objective analysis of the costs and benefits of the policy in terms of employment, local business development, and the environment; and is not her answer simply another case of substituting ideology and anecdote for objective and independent analysis?
Hon. Jenny Shipley: These matters were well traversed at the time that the legislation was passed through the House, and there was a great appeal from the cloth-cap brigade, who argued that no change could be entertained because it would affect different groups of people. What is clear is that new employment opportunities are emerging because of new activity on the ports and in different regions. Every time we can get a reduction in the cost of transportation, we allow the provinces to prosper, and that is one of the goals of this Government.