A Matter of Trust
"Fonterra botulism crisis was false alarm" Before the current National led Government New Zealand was perceived as the least corrupt country in the world, but this has dramatically changed with a recent survey that has seen us plummet almost thirty places to a similar level as Spain and Portugal. Transparency International interviewed 1000 New Zealanders and it revealed the following: Political parties are seen as the most corrupt institutions, 75% felt they were effected by some level of corruption and 12% thought they were extremely corrupt. 75% felt that the media is affected by corruption to some degree. 64% of New Zealanders surveyed stated that levels of corruption had increased over the last two years. 3% of those surveyed stated that they had paid a bribe to help with accessing a government service. 79% of new Zealanders believe the country is being run by a few big entities acting in their own interests. A recent poll revealed that 76.5 percent of Ne...