I Do Not Trust You, Mr Key!

I do not trust you, John Key

I do not trust your Ministers and your Government to make decisions in the best interests of all New Zealanders.

I do not trust your secretly negotiated deals with SkyCity or with the TPPA.

I do not trust your ability to stand up for us and our Pacific neighbours to stop mass surveillance through the Five Eyes.

I do not trust your moral compass when you use the power of your office to squash opposition and manipulate important debates.

I do not trust your reasons for sending our people into a war zone.

I do not trust your choice of clubs that you have sworn loyalty to.

I do not trust your advisors above the scientists and professionals that you ignore.

I do not trust your hands off approach to leadership where nothing appears to be your responsibility.

I do not trust your empty promises to the Pike River families, the homeless and our children living in poverty.

I do not trust you, Mr Key!


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