The US is actually unique for not valuing life!

"...that’s what sets America apart from every other country; we value life. That is what makes us unique.” - Sarah Sanders

There is a high level of delusion operating in the White House. The stream of mistruths that come out of President Trump and Sarah Sanders' mouths are clearly blatant lies but millions of US citizens believe them. With daily diets of Fox News and living in a very insular culture, there is little that challenges these false perceptions of US "greatness". 

When comparing the United States of America with most other developed nations it becomes clear that it probably places less value on life than most and doesn't compare well with many developing countries too:

It is hard to know what measure Sarah Sanders was using when she made the outrageous claim because by any measure I looked at the US did not perform well. Perhaps if you only consider rich white Republicans as those most deserving of life then it may stack up. 


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