
Showing posts from 2022

Is 3 Waters entrenchment really a stupid idea?

The 2023 elections will potentially be one of the most ideologically divided elections we will experience. The real solutions for most pressing social and environmental issues confronting us at the moment will involve systemic change and will necessarily challenge the neoliberal mindset that has dominated governance over the last four decades. The 3 Waters debate is a good example of how difficult introducing systems change is and how partisan politics limits productive discourse.  Nanaia Mahuta's intent when developing 3 Waters was to address a rapidly growing crisis. The demands on local government to provide clean drinking water and manage human waste and storm water was becoming too great a financial burden. There have been numerous examples of whole communities experiencing serious health consequences because of contaminated drinking water and for some time local authorities have struggled to maintain core water and waste infrastructure from a limited rates base. The status q...
 CLIMATE CHANGE UPDATE IN IMAGES 2022 I am just wondering how hot is too hot before we commit to real global action to reduce our emissions and save our climate and natural environment. The images below are what has occurred in the northern hemisphere summer and it is likely we will experience something similar in the southern hemisphere in a few months.  The Loire River is the longest in France and in 2022 it has almost disappeared.  The source of the Thames dried up.  Lake Mead The United States' largest reservoir is at its lowest level since first filled in 1937. The Great Salt Lake in Utah is disappearing. Heat wave in Europe breaks all records. The Arctic is heating up 4 times faster than the rest of the planet. Italy has declared a state of emergency in its drought stricken north. East Africa is suffering from a severe drought. Almost 16 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are in need of urgent food assistance. Southwest China is suffering from the wo...