Eric Roy Lives on a Different Planet to Mine!

Eric enthusiastically supporting Bill's economic management

Invercargill's National MP, Eric Roy, wrote a glowing opinion piece about his government's zero budget in today's Southland Times, ending with:

"...we are able to continue to deliver improvements in health, education, welfare, and other core public services to ensure we are building a more productive, better skilled society with more opportunities for all Kiwis.

National is delivering on policies clearly set out during the 2011 general Election - the next steps in our programme are for a more productive and competitive economy, more jobs, and higher incomes."

My letter in reply:

Dear Sir

It is concerning that MP, Eric Roy, is singing the praises of his Government’s “Zero Budget” when the overall state of our country is in serious decline.

The World Wildlife Fund’s comprehensive report on the state of New Zealand’s environment and biodiversity paints a depressing picture of environmental degradation. Our rivers and lakes continue to have high levels of pollution, around half of our native species are under threat and our carbon emissions continue to increase. Rather than being clean and green our environmental record is now one of the worst in the OECD.

Numerous reports have shown we have a poverty crisis and a housing shortage. Around 25% of our children live in poverty and most of them live in substandard housing with poor insulation. Our levels of homelessness are increasing, even outside of Christchurch, and yet the numbers involved in the construction industry are in decline.

Education is one of the few sectors which continues to perform amongst the top in the OECD and yet the Government is making a determined effort to dismantle what has made it a success.

The Government has refused to increase funding to the Green’s successful home insulation scheme, despite a report demonstrating a high return on the investment. Instead we have a continuation of the tax cuts to the wealthy (which costs us almost $1 billion a year in lost revenue) and the government sticks with its $12 billion worth of motorway construction that has been proven to be largely unnecessary.

Not  really a lot to crow about, Mr Roy.

And I didn't even mention the asset sales....


robertguyton said…
Are you going to hear Bill English speak to the Gore Chamber of Commerce tomorrow morning, bsprout? He's going to be discussing his Budget. You'd find it fascinating, I'm sure. I know I will. The breakfast starts at 7:15. I've a couple of questions for Bill.
Dave Kennedy said…
Would love to, Robert, if it wasn't for the fact I will be in Lower Hutt for the Green AGM. Am currently sitting on a bus with free wifi (brilliant public transport) on way way to the venue. Please ask lots of tricky questions for me. :-)

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