Southland Suffers Under National

Invercargill MP Eric Roy congratulated our victorious Southland Sharks basketball team and tried to claim that his National led Government is also celebrating some "wins" in today's Southland Times. I felt compelled to point out how little Southlanders have to celebrate:

MP Eric Roy attempted to list the wins achieved by his Government over the last 4 years (From the Beehive, July 17) and I was pleased to see the inclusion of the home insulation scheme that was initiated through an agreement with the Green Party. Sadly it has been a one step forward, three steps back situation under his National led Government.

Despite being highly successful the home insulation initiative was almost wiped altogether and has now had its budget cut by two thirds.

Our Early Childhood sector is still reeling from the $400 million cut from their funding in 2009 and is experiencing dropping numbers of qualified teachers in centres and kindegartens. Hundreds of Southland teachers and support staff are still suffering from the poorly implemented Novopay system.

Our roads are degrading from cuts in funding to support the crazy $12 billion motorway schemes. These motorways have largely failed cost benefit analysis and have been based on demographics rather than their economic value (Southland produces over 11% of our export income while having only 2% of the population). The delay in building the bridge south of Frankton is nonsensical.

Electricity charges continue to rise well above the rate of inflation and the Government would rather sell off power companies and receive their dividends than ensure that prices were fair and reasonable.

The Government’s support of Solid Energy’s mad lignite schemes has ended in a $400 million collapse and a $30 million briquetting plant that no one really wants. The sale of the Solid Energy farms as one lot will also shut out local buyers.

We may also lose Fiordland’sWorld heritage status if the Government continues to favour private company profits over protecting our natural resources.

Southland does not really have a lot to celebrate, Mr Roy.

(Eric's tie is actually symbolic of a lot that has gone wrong under National)


Dave Kennedy said…
I find it interesting that there is someone (I presume it is the same person because it often occurs on a number of posts around the same time) who likes to tick the "absolute twaddle" box. I have no problem with this (otherwise I wouldn't have provided the option in the first place) but it would be useful if they could actually state what they disagree with. It is easy to tick a box but more constructive to have a discussion :-)
robertguyton said…
I expect it's Eric.

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