National's 2014 Election Strategy Revealed
- Installing a Speaker who does not require Ministers to answer questions. Done
- Install a Race Relations Commissioner who doesn't understand the Treaty and will support the Government's race relations spin. Done
- Limit the release of damaging information through the Official Information Act. Ongoing
- Progress Christchurch school closures quickly so that the issue doesn't continue into election year. Done
- Change RMA and local body legislation to ensure central government has control but all responsibility falls on local councils. Almost done
- Ensure all mates are well looked after and installed in protected, high paid positions. Mostly done (Don Elder's situation is difficult, perhaps full-time consultant?)
- Destroy Labour leader credibility as we did with Goff. Done, little effort needed (bank account issue was a gift from heaven)
- Blame Labour, beneficiaries and teacher unions for everything. Ongoing, but may have to back off teachers as they are getting too much community support.
- Ridicule Green Party using spin and misinformation. On going (thank goodness we have changed the Speaker)
- Schmoozing with celebrities. Ensure John is seen with as many Hollywood moguls, royalty and sports stars as possible. Successfully ongoing
- Sell Mighty River. We need to get something sold before the referendum and to save face. On track
- Build more golf courses and close more public toilets. Ongoing
Not many of those danged complicated-to-tie shoelace thingies in evidence.
I guess one could spend a precious time tying shoe laces or use it doing something more constructive. :-)