A Day of Contrasts
It is amazing how quickly one's perception of the world changes with the weather. Yesterday we hit temperatures of over 25 degrees and ate our evening meal under the shade of our large weeping silver birch. I gloated on Facebook about Invercargill leading the national temperatures for the day and our wonderful long twilights. This morning I met up with a friend and her parents and gave them a tour of Anderson Park Art Gallery. It couldn't have been a better day to show it off, the sky was an intense blue and the gardens looked well tended and sparkled with good health.
Inside the Gallery my guests were amazed at the quality and breadth of the New Zealand Art on display. My friend's father is an architect and he also took a keen interest in the features of the house. It is a unique building and the combination of art and historical features make for an interesting ambience.
All the photos above come from the Gallery Facebook page.
On returning home and enjoying a lunch with my family under the aforementioned tree I decided to delay working in the garden until the temperatures dropped. However, within an hour, the feeling of an endless hot Summer and time to do anything outside changed as grey clouds filled the sky, thunder rumbled and the rains fell. The lawns and hedge will have to wait for another day.