Worst Gang Not Covered by Bill

The leader of our most notorious gang talks tough while surrounded by his heavies.

Rotorua MP Todd McClay's private members bill to ban gang insignia in Government premises was drawn today. It is concerning that the most dangerous gang that currently exists in New Zealand is not covered by this bill and will continue their threatening and damaging behaviour with impunity.

“The bill introduces restrictions around gang insignia being displayed at places such as Government departments and council facilities, including Work and Income and Housing NZ offices, as well as the grounds of public schools and hospitals,” Mr McClay said.
“Gangs serve no legitimate purpose in our society, and the public has a right to be protected from their intimidation.”

While I totally agree with McClay's sentiment that society needs to be protected from gang intimidation the use of gang insignia as the method of doing this is flawed. Our country's worst gang are clever enough to avoid traditional attempts to restrict their operations.
This gang bullies and targets the most vulnerable in our society and they have destroyed families and caused extreme emotional stress and even suicide because of their thoughtless actions.

They live in a guarded, fortified environment and the gang leader travels around the country surrounded by a team of disciplined and probably armed heavies. The gang have managed to infiltrate many of our most important institutions and forced them to give up funds to support their nefarious schemes.

This gang are hocking off property that doesn't belong to them and are involved in a number of dodgy gambling activities. They can't be touched because they have literally paid off the police and even have influence over our legal system

The gang's transport of choice isn't motorbikes, but BMWs and they publicly flaunt themselves in intimidating and expensive suits. Their headquarters are in Wellington...


Keeping Stock said…
Very droll bsprout!

From a personal observation, might I point out that the Wanganui District Council's patch ban has an immediate and positive effect on the community, especially in the suburb in which my wife and I were living at the time (just a couple of km from where Jhia Te Tua was shot by Mongrel Mob members a few years ago). And despite the ban being overturned by the High Court on a technicality (which the WDC is currently redrafting), the gangs haven't overtly returned. The community is a much happier, more vibrant and safer place as a result.

At the end of the day I have a very low tolerance for gangs, and I regard the rights of the community as a whole, or in the case of McClay's Bill, the staff of govt depts and crown entities as far more important than those who have chosen to liove a life of lawlessness.
Dave Kennedy said…
My real concern KS is that this bill only addresses a symptom of social disfunction, not the cause. Disadvantaged young men join gangs because they provide a feeling of being part of a community where they have a sense of belonging and are valued.

I remember Rob Muldoon actually made a huge difference with some gangs (when they were a much bigger problem than now) by providing them with legitimate work. It gave many a sense of self worth for better reasons than the gang provided and enabled many to shift out of that environment. Muldoon even became patron of the Black Power Gang and he was instrumental in changing the way they treated their women and children.

Patches also have different connotations in different communities. I once lived in Timaru when the local gang were a particularly dismal group of humanity and you would avoid them at all costs. However here in Invercargill most patched jackets belong to middle aged men with day jobs who like to dress up and ride bikes. They are generally viewed positively because when they ride around town together it is often is support of a charity.

I also once taught at a school close to a gang headquarters and as their children attended the school they looked out for it. At a time when vandalism and graffiti was common our school was well protected. I know they were hardly model citizens but their children were not the worst that I had to deal with either.
Towack said…
That was crap, you should stop reading Roberts blog because you are starting to sound like him
Dave Kennedy said…
Thanks, Towack, I would rather sound like Robert than most of the other bloggers out there (we actually have a sort of secret connection). High praise indeed.
travellerev said…
My sentiment exactly. This was my take on it in 2009: http://aotearoaawiderperspective.wordpress.com/2009/05/07/new-law-bans-gang-patches-in-public/

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